The objectives of GREAT are to identify and resolve issues and challenges relating to, and to promote, the conservation, restoration and economically and socially sustainable management of land in the Gympie Region, including to:
Provide representation for the identification and resolution of issues and challenges relating to the conservation, restoration, and economically and socially sustainable management of land, including agricultural land, water, and vegetation;
Foster, support, and strengthen the knowledge, resources, and capabilities of the environmental movement in the region;
Consult with members, stakeholders and other organizations in the environment movement regarding issues and matters affecting their role in the management of natural resources;
Make representations to, and arrangements with, any government or authority to procure financial or other support, or develop policy, to benefit the management of natural resources consistent with the group's objects and strategy from time to time;
Promote the achievements of members, stakeholders and the community relating to the success of programs or events undertaken by them; and
Do all such things as are incidental, convenient or conducive to the attainment of all or any of the above objectives.